Monday, April 28, 2008

Getting started with your referral marketing plan

Now that you have gathered all of your contact data in one place and organized the information into groups you are almost ready to start using the information.

Are you surprised at the number of contacts you have gathered? Most people are. Usually you will end up with a lot more contacts that you thought you had.

The next two steps of segmenting your contacts data into groups and stages are really important.

Think about how you would speak to a person that has referred someone to you.

Think about how you would speak to someone who is a past client.

Think about how you would speak to new prospective client.

Think about how you would speak to someone who was referred to you by an associate.

This demonstrates the group separation.

Think about how would speak to people as you go through the stages of relationship.

You would not have the same dialogue with different groups or people in different stages of a relationship. This is why you should sort your prospect list based on the type of relationship you have with each group and the stage of ongoing diolouge you will have with each group.

Let's use one possible group as the example:
Someone who was referred to you by an associate.

With this specific group in mind write at least 7 messages to that "person".

Dear {name},

I was asked by (referral source} to contact you about assisting you with the mortgage for the your new home purchase. ..........


Dear {name},

Thanks for taking the time to discuss you mortgage needs for your home purchase......

----- or

Dear {name},

I tried to reach you to discuss you mortgage needs. I was asked by {referral source} to contact you....


Here is where the work comes into the equation. You have to invest the time to brainstorm ideas for ongoing communication. You can also base the tone of the message based on the steps you know will happen.

1 introduction
2. follow-up on contact
2a. follow-up on no reply
3. confirm meeting
4. meeting follow-up

Importance of regular contact
The content is important and you should invest some quality time developing your messages but even more important is regular contact. You have their information and you should invest the time to establish a regular communication channel with your contact list.

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