Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Referral marketing for mortgage, real estate, and financial services

What is referral marketing?

The simple answer is "Keeping in contact within your business and social network by keeping them informed about you and the services you can provide to them and their friends and associates."

Referral marketing can be as simple as handing everyone you come in contact with 3-4 business cards and asking them to pass them out to anyone they know or meet that they think can benefit from your services to a well organized market plan using a contact management application to send letters, emails and make phone calls on a regular basis to everyone that you can add to your referral list.

The more effort you put into your plan the more success you will achieve.

Even the simple strategy of handing out business cards can to refined to get better results.

What are you doing with the space on your cards? Over 90% of all business card only use 50% or less of the available space. The backs of the card are blank!

What could you put on the back of your card to gain more business?

Here are some ideas.
  • List 5 reasons that someone would benefit from your service.
  • Describe the types of services you can provide.
  • Print recommendations from past clients.
  • Itemize the information you need to help them.
Think about the risk /reward ratio.

It will cost you about 25% more to add content to the 2nd side of your cards but it will double the content.

Next look at your envelopes, are you wasting a lot of unused space?

I hope this information helps, I always welcome comments and subscribers.

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